☆ Caring for Others
☆ Courage to Stand
☆ Committed to Excellence
We offer a community centered environment that challenges students to change the world around them through integrity, excellence, and truth.

About Meadowview Christian School
In February of 1970, a group of concerned parents met in the Selma Armory to discuss the formation of a new private school. Very soon after that, a meeting was held with members of the Meadowview Christian Church who had the vision to start a Christian school. The merging of the two ideas resulted in the formation of Meadowview Christian School, Inc.
From there, things happened quickly. In March, two local architects, Bill Smyly and Bob Owen, volunteered to draw plans for the first building. In May, construction began on land donated by Meadowview Christian Church, and Frasier-Seymore Construction Company started their work on the new school. The school opened on September 7, 1970, with 332 students and 18 faculty members. The Board of Directors attributed the early success to the philosophy reflected in the school’s motto: “Soli Deo Gloria” or To God Be the Glory.
Our facilities cover a twenty-four-acre campus. The facilities include a Tiny-Trojan land, elementary and secondary classrooms, an elementary library, a science laboratory, a gym, a lunchroom, and football, baseball, and softball fields. In the Spring of 2021, the Board of Directors began to discuss the merging of a daycare program previously named “Little Friends.” The Board unanimously approved the merger, and by the summer, the program became known as Tiny Trojans. Space was set aside, renovations were made, and MCS could offer Christian education from 6 weeks old to twelfth grade by the fall.
The past couple of years have been challenging but also a period of growth for MCS. We are grateful to God, our parents, faculty, and staff. But also, we are grateful for our students; you are the reason we exist!